North Georgia Conference United Women in Faith Nominations Committee

The Committee on Nominations needs everyone’s help to ensure that we always have an excellent slate of officers who truly represents the diversity of membership, talents, ages and geographic regions of our conference. If you feel God nudging you to “Step up to Leadership” in the North Georgia Conference United Women in Faith, please fill out the information below and return it the Committee on Nominations table at the conference annual meeting or email it to

Click link to access form

The Legacy Endowment Fund

Step forward with faith, hope, and love in action by giving.

The Legacy Endowment Fund is a permanent endowment to
support the work of future generations of United Women in Faith

Ways To Give

  • Online at:
  • By phone: 800-278-7771 (8 am-5 pm EST, Mon.-Fri.)
  • Text: “ACTION” to 20503
  • By check to: United Women in Faith Attn: Legacy
    475 Riverside Drive, Ste 1500wW
    New York, NY 10115
    Write “Day of Giving” on check memo line.

Together, we are building our legacy!

Gun Violence Prevention

Photo by Kathleen Barry, illustration by Cindy Caldwell; United Methodist Communications

“We call upon United Methodists to address gun violence in their local context.” —UM Book of Resolutions

Many topics in our culture can provoke strong emotion or partisan political responses, but not add assistance or ministry and instead perpetuate the problem. Churches should be leaders in community building by being part of transformational, faithful conversations that enhance relationships. We are to love God, and love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Below are resources to support your church’s efforts to prevent gun violence in your community. 

A Prayer for Today

What We Believe

What We Can Do

Resources for Church Leaders

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